My examples: Jakub Moczydlowski



Ambitions and clarify purpose

Genre: Action thriller

Location: Cambridge, England

Narrative: Fictional 

Theme: Anger, Violence, Danger

Target audience: Young adults, all genders, with interests in all types of crime thriller and action movies.

Length: Up to 1 minute 30 seconds

Create a title sequence for my made up show, focus on the target audience and how the title sequence will engage with them.

When doing this project I wanted to improve my camera skills as well as editing skills. To make my camera skills better I need to make sure that all my shots are clear and sharp. I need to make sure the lighting is on point (Not too bright/too dark) I also need to make sure the camera is stable and there won't be any shaking during the filming that will effect the outcome of the clip, as well as the most important, make sure that the clips are in focus.



Range of relevant sources to support ideas

Understanding the key elements and the core structure of a title sequence.

Analysing different title sequence to get inspirations and ideas for my title sequence

Learn different types of target audience types: Target, primary and secondary audience.

Research Target audience for my title sequence: Age, Gender, Interests. 



Problem solving

  • Having to change my location for certain shots due to the pandemic and the restrictions 
  • Changing my plan so that it fits in and connects with the storyline.


Planning and production

  • Create a schedule that I will be working off to ensure that I finish before the deadline.
  • Explain well everything I am planning to achieve as well as how I am going to achieve it with all possible outcomes (good and bad)
  • Create mood boards, story boards, scripts to better show my idea
  • Create visual drafts using stock images to get a slight idea of how it might look like.


Practical skills

In depth understanding skills and knowledge demonstrated

  • Evidence the use of all my skills I learnt for the title sequence.

  • Write a plan for each lesson, end of the lesson review and plan for next
  • Pre-Production work
  • Write any issues I came across and how I overcome them, if wasn't possible to overcome then why?



Evaluation and reflection

Maturity in decision making, clarity, perceptive analysis

  • explain in detail and clearly the whole process of the production, issues I came across, overcoming them, hard bits, easy bits etc.
  • Explain in detail what I have learnt from this project and what skills I have gained and how could I use these skills in any future projects.




Confident selection of ideas to an intended audience

  • Present my presentation about my show and explain in detail the target audience of the show and how the have connected to the scope of the show.

